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PlayerVaultsX Logo

New version incoming

PlayerVaultsX 5.0 is under development. It is a near-total rewrite and will feature:

  • API built with plugin integration in mind.
    • Vault ownership can be tied to plugin-linked IDs.
    • PVX plugin commands are written to use the API, to ensure good API coverage.
  • API design allows for async storage calls.
    • Easier to create additional storage mechanisms in the future without breakage.
  • Implementation and libraries loaded separately.
    • Avoids other plugins accidentally poking internal implementation code.
    • Allows for loading more libraries than marketplace-limited filesize allows.


  • Latest releases work on 1.8.8 through 1.21, running on at least Java 17.
    • Note: In 2024, version support will begin shifting to support recent versions only. A stable legacy release will remain available for older MC versions.
  • NBT support. This adds support for all special items such as crate keys, etc.
  • Prompt updates, for new versions and any reported bugs.
  • Vault features:
  • Configurable amount of allowed vaults and size of vaults.
  • Unlimited vaults.
  • Admins can see all vaults.
  • Admins can delete vaults.
  • Open / delete offline vaults.
  • Saves enchantments and books!
  • Works with FactionsUUID to provide faction vaults!


/pv # - Open up that chest.
/pv - Lists vaults that player has.
/pv <#> - Open up that player's vault.
Aliases: /pv, /chest, /playervaults, /vault
/pvdel <#> - Delete your vault.
/pvdel <#> - Delete that player's vault.
/pvsign <#> - Bind a sign to open vault.
/pvsign <#> - Bind a sign to open a certain player's vault.
/pvreload - Reloads config and lang files.
/pvconvert - Convert other plugins to playervaults. Currently only supports backpack and Cosmic Vaults (2 and 3).


playervaults. - Have max amount of vaults and admin. Default: op
playervaults.amount.# - Amount of vaults you want a player to have.
playervaults.size.# - Number of rows for a player's vaults to have (1-6). Default: 6 -
note: Don't shrink this on a player or they may lose items.*
playervaults.admin - Be able to open up and delete any chest.
playervaults.delete - Delete other player's vaults. Default: op
playervaults.signs.use - Use a PlayerVaults sign.
playervaults.signs.set - Create a PlayerVaults sign.
playervaults.signs.bypass - Allows users to open via signs without the correct command permission.
playervaults.notify - Get notified on login if there is an available update.
playervaults.commands.use - Open vaults with commands. Defaults to true
To remove the ability to open vaults with commands while leaving signs as an option, you will need to negate the playervaults.commands.use permission.
playervaults.bypassblockeditems - Grants access to bypass blocked vault items.


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