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IRCv3 Support

This page documents IRCv3 features. With two exceptions noted, all of the IRCv3 3.1 and 3.2 specifications are implemented along with more recent specifications. Draft/WIP specs have some support (SNI).

See the CapabilityManager and CapabilityRequestCommand for more details.

Capabilities supported

  • CAP
    • The client starts the connection with CAP LS 302 and will request a modifiable selection of capabilities.
    • It supports CAP spec 3.2, including the NEW and DEL commands.
  • Standard Replies (FAIL, NOTE, WARN) and ACK.
  • multi-prefix
    • Prefixes sorted by importance according to ISUPPORT info.
  • sasl
    • This is requested if the below mechanism classes are used and given to the AuthManager.
  • account-notify
    • Tracked for User#getAccount().
    • UserAccountStatusEvent.
  • away-notify
    • Boolean User#isAway().
    • User#getAwayMessage().
    • UserAwayMessageEvent.
  • batch
  • Bot mode
  • extended-join
    • Information tracked automagically.
  • extended-monitor
  • Message tags
    • Getters in ServerMessage.
    • Custom class registration in MessageTagManager.
    • Message ID (msgid).
    • Labeled response (label and ACK messages)
    • Client-only tags.
    • talking.
    • Tag-only (TAGMSG) messages.
  • Monitor
    • MonitorCommand to get the party started.
    • MonitoredNickOnlineEvent, MonitoredNickOfflineEvent to track.
    • MonitoredNickListEvent, MonitoredNickListFullEvent.
  • account-tag
  • cap-notify
    • Not actually requested because it's implicitly enabled with CAP LS 302.
  • chghost
    • UserHostnameChangeEvent and UserUserStringChangeEvent.
    • Common shared UserInfoChangeEvent includes nick changes too.
  • echo-message
    • Not requested by default.
    • @EchoMessage filter acquires only messages sent by self.
  • invite-notify
    • Not automatically requested.
    • Picked up by ChannelInviteEvent.
  • server-time
  • userhost-in-names
  • STS
    • Supported as either 'sts' or 'draft/sts' capability.
    • STSPropertiesStorageManager as default implementation.
  • SNI
    • Draft spec supported.
  • Twitch capabilities optionally supported
    • Supported in the client builder.
    • For more information see here.

No plans to support

  • Metadata
    • The metadata 3.2 spec was deprecated.
    • KICL will consider supporting a new spec if one is proposed.
  • STARTTLS (TLS capability)
    • This is an officially deprecated STARTTLS approach, which is silly when the default KICL strategy is TLS.
    • Use the TLS and STS support that KICL has built-in instead.