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KICL supports the ECDSA-NIST256P-CHALLENGE SASL authentication mechanism. This document describes both how the mechanism works and how the library can be used to authenticate with this method.

Using ECDSA with KICL

To get started, a public-private keypair is required. You can do this with KICL or by using OpenSSL commands and importing the key.

Generating a keypair using KICL

It's possible to programmatically generate a keypair and retrieve the encoded public key for use with NickServ:

SaslEcdsaNist256PChallenge.ECKeyPair ecKeyPair = SaslEcdsaNist256PChallenge.getNewKey();
System.out.println("/msg NickServ SET PUBKEY " + SaslEcdsaNist256PChallenge.getCompressedBase64PublicKey(ecKeyPair.getPublic()));

You can get a base64 representation of the private key. This could then be stored in e.g. a config file:

String base64Representation = SaslEcdsaNist256PChallenge.base64Encode(ecKeyPair.getPrivate());

You can get a private key back from a base64 representation using:

ECPrivateKey privateKey = SaslEcdsaNist256PChallenge.getPrivateKey(base64Representation);

Generating a keypair using OpenSSL

First, we generate the public and private keys in PEM format:

openssl ecparam -genkey -out private_key.pem -outform PEM -name prime256v1
openssl ec -in private_key.pem -inform PEM -out public_key.pem -outform PEM -pubout

Next, we convert the PEM files into DER files which can be read with Java:

openssl pkey -inform pem -outform der -in private_key.pem -out public_key.der -pubout
openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -inform PEM -outform DER -in private_key.pem -out private_key.der -nocrypt

Now, we base64 the two DER files so they can be used as arguments to the getPublicKey and getPrivateKey static methods on the SaslEcdsaNist256PChallenge class:

cat public_key.der | base64 | tr -d "\n"
cat private_key.der | base64 | tr -d "\n"

Finally, we retrieve the public key using point compression in a form Atheme will understand:

openssl ec -noout -text -conv_form compressed -in private_key.pem | grep '^pub:' -A 3 | tail -n 3 | tr -d ' \n:' | xxd -r -p | base64 | tr -d "\n"

You can use /msg NickServ SET PUBKEY <pubkey> where <pubkey> is the output from the command above.

Telling KICL to use the key

To get KICL to do the authentication, call the addProtocol method on the AuthManager instance:

client.getAuthManager().addProtocol(new SaslEcdsaNist256PChallenge(client, "accountname", privateKey));

Protocol description

This section of the document describes the inner workings of the ECDSA SASL authentication mechanism. If you're just looking to use KICL to do this authentication and aren't too concerned about how it works under the hood, you can ignore this section. From here on in the description of the authentication mechanism is not specific to KICL.

"ecdsa-nist256p-challenge" is a SASL authentication mechanism which is supported by KICL and some other IRC clients (e.g. weechat). In order to use this mechanism, SASL must be requested by the client prior to any authentication attempts (CAP REQ :sasl). Once the server sends an CAP ACK, authentication can begin.

The mechanism makes use of the NIST P-256 curve (NID_X9_62_prime256v1 in OpenSSL) which (per the name) is defined over a 256 bit prime finite field. The parameters for this curve are available from the NSA in section 4.3. The curve itself doesn't fit the SafeCurves requirements.

Atheme is the only IRC services software that appears to implement this authentication method. Atheme's implementation requires that:

  • Users make use of the /msg NickServ SET PUBKEY <pubkey> command to tell the services package their public key
    • <pubkey> in this case is the point compressed X9.62 representation of the public key which is then base64 encoded. Please see section 2.3.3 of the SEC1 spec for more information. Public keys making use of the uncompressed or hybrid forms will not work. Java users may wish to implement their own method for applying point compression since it is unavailable in the standard library. See the implementation in KICL.

Step 1 - Begin authentication

The client sends AUTHENTICATE ECDSA-NIST256P-CHALLENGE to request that the authentication process be started. See the SASL documentation for more information on the SASL process.

Step 2 - Wait for server acknowledgement

The server will send back a AUTHENTICATE + message. The + here denotes an empty message. Once this message has been seen, the client can begin sending the account information.

Step 3 - Send encapsulated account name information

The account name to authenticate with, along with the identity to impersonate are concatenated and joined together by \0 (NUL byte, U+0000) characters. For example, logging in as account Example and impersonating Test:


In the vast majority of cases, the identity to impersonate will be identical to the identity used to authenticate:


KICL does not support impersonation at this time and it appears to only be relevant to services administrators.

Once the string has been built, it is base64 encoded and sent via the AUTHENTICATE command:


Step 4 - Receive challenge from server

The server will now send a 32 byte challenge (this matches the length of a SHA256 signature), encoded as base64. The client must decode the challenge (do not sign the base64 text representation directly) and sign it, using the account's private key. The signature should be stored.

Important: Many signature APIs accept data and then perform a cryptographic hash function (e.g. SHA1 or SHA256) over the data and sign the message digest instead of the provided data. This is a good approach for many usecases, especially when a lot of data is involved but it's important you sign the provided challenge directly for this process - Atheme does not support checking a cryptographic signature of the challenge. Java users should use NoneWithECDSA signature algorithm to achieve this.

Step 5 - Send signature to server

Now that the challenge has been signed, the signature should be encoded using base64 and sent back to the server, using the AUTHENTICATE command again. If everything went to plan, the authentication should succeed.


  • ecdsatool - command line tool for creating and making use of ECC NISTP256 keypairs.