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Welcome to Kitteh Development

Kitteh is an umbrella org for various open-source projects, primarily written in Java.



Kitteh IRC Client Library

A library for building an IRC client (whether for a user or a bot). Extensive IRCv3 support. Used successfully for a variety of projects from bots to relays.


Cardboard Box

A simple library for storing and retrieving ItemStacks in Bukkit-related environments, using Paper's ItemStack storage approach. Created to enable the same storage approach used in modern Paper servers on Spigot servers (or old Paper, before the feature addition). If Paper's API is available, it merely passes the information along, but otherwise accesses server internals to create an identical experience.

ItemStacks stored in one version of the game will be properly updated to a newer version, just like those stored in the world, when using this approach.

Used in various projects, including PlayerVaultsX, for reliable item storage.


A Bukkit plugin for "Factions" gamemode. Players can join factions, build, fight, raid, and more.


A Bukkit plugin for giving players extra inventories, or vaults, for storing their belongings.